The first part of any recruitment plan, before you even think of the type of person you want, is to decide whether a new employee is even needed. Positions shouldn’t be created just because someone is available for employment. Every employment position needs to be justified.

The reason for hiring a new team member may be because:

These points alone may not be enough to justify further recruitment. If it’s relevant it might be a good idea to re-evaluate every task already undertaken within your business. Analyse the tasks being performed and make sure you write them down.

Once you’ve determined this information, you should be able to answer these questions:

Positions cost money – not only in the direct cost of employing that person, but in ongoing training and supervisory costs. Every job in an organisation must be able to justify its existence.  Take the opportunity whenever planning employment to revisit and re-evaluate task allocation within your business to determine whether it is really necessary to create a new position or refill an existing one.

There are many alternatives on offer to the traditional employee, there is no one size fits all. Consider contractors, Virtual Assistants & other outsourcing organisations that can often be more efficient, and certainly more cost effective than a fixed employee.  Talk to us today about your recruitment needs.